Biggest blog event in India on Sep 9-10
Chennai - BlogCamp 2006, a two-day meet on the theme ‘Living The Blog’, will be held here next month ‘in the spirit of blogging and as no-barrier interaction’, its organisers said.
It will be a rich mixture of workshops, demonstrations, presentations, interactive quizzes, lectures, debates, group discussions and games, said a spokesperson of the organising panel.
Bloggers from around the world will participate via video conferencing, live blogging, webcasting and podcasting of all the sessions.
There will be sessions on how to conduct Podcast interviews, branding via blogs and next generation marketing.
Topics like blogging as a form of journalism, making a journalist of everybody, blogging as a vibrant medium on disaster management and social media, will be extensively discussed.
‘We hope to provide a forum where bloggers can share their stories and be inspired by innovative and successful blogging experiences,’ BlogCamp volunteer Kiruba Shankar said.
Participants will have the choice of simultaneous workshops and sessions that will be held in small groups, and use relatively informal ways of engaging each other, in conversations around the various themes.
The convention of the blogging community will take place at the Tidel Park premises, an IT hub in the city’s south that houses more than 700 IT and associated services firms.